[Lyrics Index] [The music of Lou Hevly] [visca.com]
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This is my position and I think you'll see It is not precisely all that one might hope it to be. How I've come to be here is a long woeful tale, So sit back and do me case, I will tell it without fail. |
Aquesta és la meva posició i em sembla que veuràs que no és precisament tot el que hom podria esperar que fos. Com he vingut a parar aquí, és un conte llarg i trist. Així, doncs, relaxa't i fes-me cas, t'ho explicaré tot sens falta. |
I live in Catalonia and I like it fine, I take a lot of sunshine, drink a lot of wine, And though I've seen a hundred wonders through all the world I've found nothing quite so fine as a Catalan girl. |
Visc a Catalunya i m'agrada molt. Prenc molt el sol i bec molt vi, i tot i que he vist cent meravelles per tot el món, no he trobat res tan exquisit com una noia catalana. |
I was strolling down the Born one day and what did I see? A raven-haired beauty looking back at me. I stumbled, tripped and fell so as to make her smile, Then I said, "I think you ought to spend with me a little while." |
Passejava pel Born un dia i què vaig veure? Una noia morena de bon veure que em tornava la mirada. Vaig ensopegar i vaig caure per fer-la riure Després vaig dir --Em sembla que hauríes de passar una estona amb mi. |
She said, "I'm very busy, no I have no time, I'm as typical a Catalana as you'll find." I sang a little love song in the cave of her ear And her smile was like a rainbow in the high atmosphere. |
Ella digué: "Vaig molt atrafegada, no tinc gens de temps Sóc la catalana més típica que es pot trobar." Li vaig cantar una petita cançó d'amor a cau d'orella i el seu somriure va ésser com un arc de Sant Martí a l'alta atmosfera. |
And then she said, "My name's Maria and I like your song, Maybe you can sing it for me when the nights grow long. But if you ever get tired of me or do me wrong I'll make you sorry that you've ever been born." |
I llavors ella digué: "Em dic Maria i m'agrada la teva cançó. Potser me la pots cantar quan les nits es fan llargues, però, si mai et canses de mi o em fas qualsevol mala jugada et faré penedir del dia que vas néixer." |
We made a date for Friday at two quarters to ten. I floated off thinking, "I'm in love again!" I can't remember just what happened next, but I found Myself attracted to the river by a most seducive sound. |
Vàrem quedar per a divendres a dos quarts de deu. Vaig marxar flotant, pensant: "Torno a estar enamorat!" No puc recordar amb exactitud el que passà aleshores, però em vaig trobar atret cap al riu per un so molt seductor. |
She was strumming her guitarra with such loving finesse I had to stop to close my eyes and even hold my breath. The little gralles filled the air with cacophony. When I finally raised my eyes I saw her looking right at me. |
Ella tocava la seva guitarra amb una subtilesa tan tendre que jo vaig haver de parar a tancar els ulls i fins i tot aguantar-me la respiració. Les petites gralles omplien l'aire amb cacofonia i quan finalment vaig aixecar els ulls, la vaig veure mirant-me. |
I made my voice a whisper like glasspaper on wood And I sang about our planet and the triumph of good. I knew she knew just where I wanted to go to stop And her smile was like a sunrise on a mountain top. |
De la meva veu, doncs, en vaig fer un xiuxiueig com paper de vidre sobre fusta, i vaig cantar sobre el nostre planeta i sobre el triomf del bé. Jo sabia que ella sabia exactament on volia anar a parar, jo, i el seu somriure va ésser com la sortida del sol al cim d'una muntanya. |
And then she said, "My name's Maria and I like your song, Maybe you can sing it for me when the nights grow long. But if you ever get tired of me or do me wrong I'll make you sorry that you've ever been born." |
I llavors ella digué: "Em dic Maria i m'agrada la teva cançó. Potser me la pots cantar quan les nits es fan llargues, però, si mai et canses de mi o em fas qualsevol mala jugada et faré penedir del dia que vas néixer." |
All I knew was that I had to see her again, So we made a date for Friday at two quarters to ten. A little voice of warning sounded deep in my mind, But I didn't do it case 'cause I was feeling very fine. |
Tot el que jo sabia era que havia de tornar a veure-la. Per tant, vàrem quedar per a divendres a dos quarts de deu. Una petita veu d'alarma em sonà al fons de la ment però no en vaig fer cas perquè em trobava molt bé. |
Now it happens in our city we've a beautiful park Where I like to pass the time and watch the sky grow dark. I was dreaming of Maria and just taking my ease When from the corner of my eye I saw her flitting through the trees. |
El cas és que a la nostra ciutat hi ha un parc bonic on m'agrada passar el temps mentre el cel es fa fosc Somiava amb la Maria i em relaxava quan, de cua d'ull, vaig veure una noia passar voleiant entre els arbres. |
I blinked my eyes and saw her, blinked again she was gone, Dancing through the woods as smoothly as a swift young fawn. I followed her as close as I was able to get. When I finally caught her up she smiled and did a pirouette. |
Vaig parpellejar i la vaig veure, vaig tornar a parpellejar i desaparegué. Ballava pel bosc amb la gràcia d'un cérvol jove i ràpid. La vaig seguir tan aprop com podia i quan finalment vaig arribar on era, somrigué i va fer una pirueta. |
I twirled upon my toes and made a graceful little bound, Then my feet became entangled and I fell to the ground. She leaned against a tree and laughed till tears filled her eyes And her smile was like a sunburst in the cloudy skies. |
Vaig giravoltar sobre els dits dels peus i vaig fer un petit salt. Després m'embolicaren els peus i vaig caure a terra. Es recolzà contra un arbre i rigué fins que els ulls se li van omplir de llàgrimes. I el seu somriure va ésser com un esclat de sol al cel ennuvolat. |
Then she said, "My name's Maria and you dance all wrong, Maybe I can teach you something when the nights grow long, But if you ever get tired of me or do me wrong I'll make you sorry that you've ever been born." |
Llavors ella digué: "Em dic Maria i balles molt malament. Potser puc ensenyar-te alguna cosa quan les nits es fan llargues, però, si mai et canses de mi o em fas qualsevol mala jugada, et faré penedir del dia que vas néixer." |
It must be no surprise to you to know what passed then: We made a date for Friday at two quarters to ten! Perhaps you don't believe a man could be so remiss, But if you ever met Maria you would know how it is. |
No et deu sorprendre gens saber el que passà després d'això: vàrem quedar el divendres a dos quarts de deu! Potser no pots creure que un home pogués ser tan negligent, però si mai haguéssis conegut la Maria sabries que això hauria pogut ser. |
Well, as might have been foreseen, on Friday evening I tried To keep a date with three Marias without losing my hide. When I entered to the plaza they were waiting for me, But their smiles were not at all as I had hoped they would be. |
Bé, tal com podria haver-se previst, divendres al vespre vaig intentar quedar amb les tres Maries sense perdre-hi la pell. Quan vaig arribar a la plaça m'esperaven, però els seus somriures no eren gens com jo esperava que fossin. |
I thought, "Now yes I have drunk oil," and started to run. I knew I had to touch the two if not my life would be done. I can't remember just what was the next to occur But they were on me in a moment and the rest is a blur. |
Vaig pensar: "Ara sí que he begut oli!" i vaig arrencar a córrer. Sabia que havia de tocar el dos, si no, la meva vida s'acabaria. No recordo exactament el que va passar aleshores, peró en un instant se'm tiraren a sobre i després no em recordo de res. |
So now you know my tale and how it is I'm found Swinging from a tree while hanging upside-down. Would you kindly please untie me and return me to the ground? For at two quarters to eleven I've another date in town. |
Així ara coneixes la meva història i com és que em trobo gronxant-me d'un arbre, penjat de cap per avall. Series tan amable de deslligar-me i tornar-me a terra? Perquè a dos quarts d'onze tinc una altra cita a la vila. |