[Lyrics Index] [The music of Lou Hevly] [visca.com]


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I was walkin' one evening in Missoula Montana
Down a dark alleyway covered with snow
A pale moon was glowin' and the mountains sang to me,
Walkin' in Missoula Montana alone.
Passejava un vespre per Missoula Montana
baixant un passatge cobert de neu.
La lluna brillava i les muntanyes em cantaven
caminant sol a Missoula Montana.

When out from the shadows there stepped close beside me
Smellin' of meadowland, whiskey and home
She said, "Are you tired, my handsome young cowboy,
Of walkin' in Missoula Montana alone?"
Quan des de les ombres se'm va acostar,
fent olor de les prades, de whisky i de casa.
Va dir: "¿Estàs cansat, vaquer meu, tan jove i maco,
de caminar tot sol per Missoula Montana?"

I said, "Yes, I'm tired, my feet are all leaden
My body is wretched and aching to lay
If you'll be my lady I'll tell you of a treasure
Buried in the Bitterroot Mountains today
Just waitin' for someone to take it away."
Vaig dir: "Sí, que estic cansat, tinc els peus com el plom;
el cos està abatut i delint-se per descansar.
Si passes una estona amb mi et parlaré d'un tresor
enterrat avui a les muntanyes Bitterroot
esperant que algú se l'endugui."

She took my hand and we walked out of town
Up the old Rattesnake, frozen and white,
Montana treasure is there for the takin',
High in the mountains where stars shine so bright,
Montana treasure waits for you tonight.
Em va agafar la mà i vam sortir del poble caminant,
pujant el riu Rattlesnake (cascavell), blanc i congelat.
El tresor de Montana hi és perquè se l'endugui:
a l'alta muntanya on els estels brillen tant,
el tresor de Montana t'espera.

[Lyrics Index] [The music of Lou Hevly] [visca.com]