[Lyrics Index] [The music of Lou Hevly] [visca.com]
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Yo soy un gringo de Texas de la aldea de San Angelo. Solia viajar a caballo por las tierras de Méjico. Encontré una hermosa muchacha y con ella me casé. Ahora vivimos felices echando raices en su casa de Monterrey. |
I am a Texas gringo from the town of San Angelo. I used to ride my horse through the land of Mexico. I met a beautiful girl there and we got married. Now we live happily, putting down roots in her house in Monterrey. |
Nos bendijó Diós con seis retoños, entre ellos ningún varón. No me importa pues todos ellas, son el fruto del nuestro amor. Su mamá es una gran cocinera, sus primas me deleitan al cantar. Todo va sobre ruedas no hay causas para quejas... solo cuando nos reunimos para cenar, jo oigo: |
God has blessed us with six children, among them not a single boy. I don't care a bit that they're all girls, they're the fruit of our love. Their mother is a wonderful cook and their cousins delight me with their singing, It's all smooth sailing, there's no reason to complain except when we get together to have dinner I hear: |
*bla bla bla bla* ¡Ay ay ay! Yo oigo: *bla bla bla bla* ¡Vaya, palisa me daís! Yo jamás pensé en mi vida que en un nido de cotorras viviría Me dicen: *bla bla bla bla* ¡Ay ay ay! |
*Blabbety blabbety bla bla bla* Oh my Lord! I hear: *Blabbety blabbety bla bla bla* You really put me through the wringer! Never in my life did I believe that I'd end up living in a parrot's nest! They say to me: *Blabbety blabbety bla bla bla* Oh, my Lord! |
Una noche dormía tranquilo cuando un ruido me despertó. Cauteloso bajé la escalera y allí encontré a un ladrón! Peleé como alma endiablada pero la buena vida fue mi perdición. Colocaba su navaja justo baja mi garganta cuando de repente entrá mi salvación, diciendo: |
One night I was sleeping peacefully when I was awoken by a noise. I cautiously crept down the stairs and there I came upon a thief! I fought like the very Devil himself, but the good life proved my undoing. He was putting his knife right under my throat when suddenly in came my salvation, saying: |
*bla bla bla bla* Asustado su arma soltó, cuando oió: *bla bla bla bla* Por la ventana pensando escapó que nunca, nunca más en su vida en un nido de cotorras robaría ¡Fue un horror! ¡Ay ay ay! |
*Blabbety blabbety bla bla bla* Startled, he dropped his weapon, when he heard: *Blabbety blabbety bla bla bla* He escaped through the window thinking That never again in his life would he rob a parrot's nest! It was a horror! Oh my Lord! |