louhevly.com | Música | Robert and Lou

Cançó de l'Empipadora

Versió MP3
Ara conto una història sobre l'Empipadora,
és una gran exploradora.
Quan Cristof Colom arribà al nou món,
L'Empipadora demanà el passaport a tothom
Now I'll tell you all the story of the Pest
She's a great explorer.
When Christopher Columbus arrived in the New World,
The Pest was there to ask them to show their passports

Quan els astronautes arribàran a lluna,
vàren tenir una gran fortuna,
L'Empipadora i els Selenites festejaven
Per donar-los alegria a la seva arribada
When the astronauts landed on the Moon
They were in luck
The Pest and the Selenites were having a party
To bring them joy on their arrival

Fa molt temps a l'Àfrica se'n va anar,
i molts cavalls blancs hi va trobar.
Va dir — A mi, em semblen molt avorrits,
doncs, els pinto tots amb ratlles i seran més divertits.
She went to Africa a long time ago
And there she found many white horses.
She said, "They seem pretty boring to me,
So I'll paint them all with stripes and they'll be more fun.

També a la cuina és una gran inventora
de sopes d'all i farigola,
mongetes, botifarra, pam tomàquet i gelat,
però quan tot s'ho acabat li falta molt bicarbonat.
In the kitchen she is also a great inventor
Of garlic and thyme soup,
Beans, botifarra, tomato bread and ice cream,
But when she has finished it all off she has a great need for bicarbonat.

louhevly.com | Música | Robert and Lou